Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pui Shaak/Saag Chorchori

Pui Shaak /Pohi Saag/Malabar Spinach chorchori, is a medley of vegetables and Fish Head (Ilish/Hilsa macher matha) or Shrimps(Chingri Mach). Even though we love to eat this Chorchori, we seldom get Pui Shaak in stores here. But this time when I got few stems of fresh Pui Shaak at an Indian store I decided to make this Chorchori with Ilish Macher Matha.

Ingredients: Pui Shaak/Saag Chorchori
  • 1 Fish Head (Ilish/Hilsa)
  • 2-3 Stems of Pui Shaak/ Pohi Saag, chopped
  • 1 Eggplant, cubed
  • 4-5 Small Radish, cubed
  • 1-2 Potatoes, cubed
  • 4-5 Green Chillies
  • 1 tsp Panch Phoron
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tbsp Mustard Paste
  • Mustard Oil

Rub salt and turmeric powder to the Ilish macher Matha (Fish Head). Heat mustard oil in a wok and fry the Ilish/Hilsa head and keep aside.

Wash all the vegetables and the Pui Shaak. Chop the Pohi greens and the stems. Use the same oil, temper with the Panch Phoron, Green chillies and then start adding the vegetables. Fry and cook the vegetable for about 10 minutes on medium flame. When the vegetables are almost half cooked, add the chopped Pui Shaak, Turmeric Powder, Salt, Mustard Paste, saute and let everything cook. The Saag and the other vegetables let out water which helps in the cooking. Add the fried fish head, break the fish head with the spatula, mix with all the other vegetables, cover and cook for some more time. To get the perfect consistency, chorchori typically needs frequent stir. Check for seasoning and serve this Ilish Macher Matha Diye Pui Saag Chorchori with rice.


  1. Choccori dekhe nijer kolkatar diner kotha mone pore galo. Darun dekhte hoyeche.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  2. I usually waste fish heads but this is a yummy use of it...

  3. very yummy and new dish... love your blog...
    when time permits do visit mine....

    Event: Dish Name Starts with H

  4. Something I have never cooked is fish heads... I love the colorful dish this is!

  5. so delicious and wonderful idea !!

  6. I so miss these dishes ! First I am not getting access to hilsa in California and second hubby doesn't eat fish head :( Waiting for my trip to India !!

  7. ooo that sounds gud....i love the way u use ur own it to learn it.

  8. I never cooked veggies with fish heads, looks delicious..

  9. Love the addition of vegetables to the fish head, sounds very interesting. I love fish heads, always used them to make curry. This is totally new to me, authentic Bengali dish...gonna try them real soon:)

  10. What an authentic recipe- thanks for sharing!
    US Masala

  11. looks so healthy and delicious!

  12. Looks yummy and healthy recipe,very good preparation.

  13. This is a great use of the fish heads!

  14. Cooking fish and veggies together is new to me....we make curry with fish heads only.
    looks yummy.
    Anu, please collect FOOD MAZAA AWARD from my blog.

  15. Ilish maacher matha diye ppui sakh ahaa!! mukhe jol ese gelo... looks perfect..

  16. Chochori dekhe to ichhe korchhe ekhoni khete chole jai tomar barite. Darun lagchhe dekhte r kheteo oshadharon hobe. Thank you awards share korar jonno.

  17. Lovely blog and great to come across such tempting and authentic Bengali dishes...great work!

  18. I also add kumro and sometimes jhinge to this and a bit of dhanay-jeera guro.

  19. wow a treasure of bengali recipes..I love the cuisine :P
    glad I bumped into ur blog :P would see u better half is bong...I too keep trying bengali recipes :P
    The stir fry looks delish!!

  20. This is delicious! Simply delicious!

  21. Wow such lovely pui shaak and ilish maach way up in USA.Just Great! This chochchori is also my favourite.

  22. Just dropped in to say hello , onek din kono update daoni toh tai. Kamon acho?

  23. ilish er matha diye chorchori!! uff....its toooo good.....jodio kanta beche khete ektu time lage amar....but jive jol asar moto recipe

  24. It really helpful for bachelors..thx for all these...

  25. Perfect! Just the recipe I was looking for! With shorshe, without onions. Yay!
