Monday, February 7, 2011

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea, hot and refreshing beverage and is full of health benefits. Darling husband was under the weather for the last few days and was trying to get some relief from the OTC drugs. But as I believe in natural treatments I made Ginger Tea for him almost every day. Ginger, has been used as a medicinal herb from ancient times and is believed to give you relief from cold and achy throats.
Ingredients: Ginger Tea (2 Cups)
  • Fresh Ginger (1/2 inch)
  • 2 Tea Bags or 2 tsp Darjeeling/Red Label Tea
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 2 tbsp Raw Cane Sugar

First, peel the Ginger and grate it, you can use it more if you want a strong flavor. Boil the water and ginger in a saucepan.  Next add the tea, the milk and let it boil further for few more minutes. Then turn the heat off. Cover the pan for few minutes, strain the tea and enjoy. 
Add sugar and serve hot.


  1. ginger tea ! need it every evening :)

  2. I loved this flavor tea good for health too. U r tea flavor reaches to boston i can feel it.

  3. Isn't tea just amazing? I love ginger tea too and seeing this post is making me wish I had a pot beside me right now. Thank you for sharing these photographs and your thoughts.

  4. That's I guess my husbands favourite tea :) and especially when we have cold :)

  5. ah, the comfort of adhrak chai! love it :)

  6. nothing to beat this refresher around 4 in the evening !! pass it on !

  7. Thanks everyone.. I am huge fan of tea and Ginger tea is my favorite..

  8. love the tea - could use a cup right now :)
